Alliance Health Education Initiative (AHEI)
Welcomes its Second Year of the
SPREAD THE LOVE Fundraiser Campaign.
Celebrating LOVE All~Year~Long!

AHEI is excited about its second year of SPREAD THE LOVE.
Our NEW LINE of the LOVE Postcard bundles will be rushed to you,
as the SPREAD THE LOVE Celebration continues.

SPREAD THE LOVE with your family and friends.
These are the perfect cards to let others know you care!

Send a card thanking our armed forces OR
Put a card in your child’s lunch box OR
Tuck a card in the box you send to your college student.
There are so many ways to say,
You Care with AHEI’s Love Postcards!

With a $25 donation to AHEI (or more!), we’ll rush
the LOVE Postcard bundles for you to
Spread the love All~Year~Long!


AHEI is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that supports quality health education programs through grants across the country.
With a small or large donation, you can SPREAD THE LOVE with everyone you know!

$20 of each donation may be tax deductible. Please consult your tax preparation professional for further advice.


AHEI’s Spread the Love

2023 AHEI Spread the Love Campaign

We Are Sorry, These Are Not Available At This Time