About Us.
The purpose of the Alliance Health Education Initiative (AHEI) shall be to promote community health education and charitable endeavors in collaboration with the American Medical Association Alliance (AMA Alliance) and its affiliated state, county, and parish Alliances, and other health-oriented civic and charitable community groups.
For nearly 100 years, members of the American Medical Association Alliance have been responding to the health needs of their communities, states, and the nation through involvement with health education and service projects. Organized as a membership 501(c)(4) organization, the AMA Alliance had not been able to apply for grants or accept charitable donations. In 2012, in response to the growing health care needs of our communities and nation, the AMA Alliance founded the Alliance Health Education Initiative (AHEI) as a 501(c)(3), non-profit organization able to apply for grants and receive charitable gifts to help expand and further promote nationwide efforts to building healthier communities.
Since 1922, the AMA Alliance’s health endeavors have reflected the national needs and issues of the times. Some of AMA Alliance’s health focuses over the years have included violence prevention (Stop America’s Violence Everywhere), underage drinking, physician burnout, healthy lifestyles, and opioid misuse.
The Present
The AHEI Board endeavors to raise significant funds to distribute annual grants throughout the country reaching more people about pertinent and timely health-related topics and to broaden outreach and sustainability. The Board also continually assesses different and creative fundraising avenues in order to maximize the funds available for grant disbursement.
The Alliance Health Education Initiative, (AHEI) a 501(c)(3) foundation, distributes grants that are intended to support health-related organizations which bring quality health education and/or service projects to their communities. Collaboration between local civic and charitable organizations is highly encouraged. To ensure the AHEI mission of supporting healthy communities through grassroots efforts, all projects require a letter of endorsement or recommendation from a local medical physician. All grants are submitted online. Donations to the AHEI are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.