Since 2015

AHEI Grants Make A Difference in Communities 

Small non-profits addressing critical issues in communities.

The founders of the Alliance Health Education Initiative knew the difficulties of raising money for small non-profit organizations’ programs and projects.
Even though these projects were better for communities, larger foundations and corporations often overlooked them.
For this reason, AHEI pioneers recognized the need for a foundation, specifically designed for smaller organizations. As members of the American Medical Association Alliance, they were acutely aware it was unable to apply for grants or accept charitable donations. It was these leaders’ vision who conceived AHEI
in 2012, to promote community health education and charitable endeavors through the provision of health grants.

Since 2015, AHEI Grants have enabled state and county initiatives addressing critical issues such as the opioid epidemic, immigrant health, food insecurity, and the mental and physical well-being of healthcare workers in your community.

This vital work has been made possible through the generosity of our donors and supporters. Their contributions have directly funded our impactful grants.

How many grants we have provided over the years … 44

… more to say?

Las Vegas, Nevada
2023 AHEI Grant Recipient


“First Aid/CPR/AED Certification”

The Alliance with Nevada State Medical Association

During the fall/winter of 2023, thanks to ANSMA and a supporting grant from AHEI, more members became certified in First Aid/CPR/AED through the American Red Cross. In total, 17 ANSMA members completed the certification program, increasing their readiness to respond skills. 

Our project, “First Aid/CPR/AED Certification,” was also selected as the Health Awareness Promotion—National Initiatives Award winner. The American Medical Association Alliance congratulated us on our work and collaboration, which made a difference nationwide and improved the health and well-being of those in our community. 

Our program was presented to attendees at the AMA Alliance Annual Meeting in Nashville, and we received the award. Congratulations to all First Aid/CPR/AED Certification participants/winners.

San Antonio, Texas
2024 AHEI Grant Recipient

The Period Project

Bexar County Medical Society Alliance

received a grant for their Period Project which aimed to provide education about menstruation. They also distributed free menstrual supplies in socioeconomically disadvantaged schools throughout San Antonio.

“Currently 1 in 4 menstruating teens lives in a home that struggles to afford period products. The project aims to provide free and easily accessible period products such as maxi pads to public school students throughout San Antonio.

The program also strives to reduce stigma associated with menstruation and provide educational materials about menstruation that meet the needs of the San Antonio community.”

Contact info:
Grantee: Bexar County Medical Society Alliance
Project Name: Period Project
Location: San Antonio, Tx.
Contact Person: Julia Halvorsen,
Phone: 303-557-8270
Address: 4334 N. Loop 1604 W. Ste. 200
                San Antonio, TX 78249


Saint Louis, Missouri
2020 AHEI Grant Recipient

"Stop the Bleed Program"
The Missouri State Medical Association Alliance

Contact info:Grantee: Missouri State Medical Association Alliance
Project name: "Stop the Bleed Program"
Location: Kansas City, MO
Contact: Sana Saleh

OR should this be sent to Gillian Waltman?

NEED TO SEND EMAIL REQUESTING STATEMENT/ Partially complete? Need approval from Sue Ann/Sana

The Saint Louis Metropolitan Medical Society Alliance presented the “Stop the Bleed” lifesaving training program to the Loyola Academy of St. Louis, middle school students.
This was the Alliance’s first appearance at the school since a three-year hiatus during COVID-19. The Alliance has previously presented on drug abuse awareness and violence prevention.

The top photograph is of the students proudly holding their certifications, also present are (left) AMA Alliance President 2020-2021, Sue Ann Greco, RN, an active SLMMS Alliance member, and (right) Lori Winkler, MSN, RN, TNS, CPEN, StB Instructor; Middle photograph is Stop the Bleed instructor, Lori Winkler instructing the students; and bottom photograph is a student practicing a tourniquet with Loyola staff member, David Gaillardetz.

Alliance Newsletter Second Quarter 2023

The 'Stop the Bleed' campaign was initiated by trauma surgeons from the American College of Surgeons who reported that one-third of the children who died at Sandy Hook could have survived if the bystanders had known how to control bleeding and prevent shock until the injured children could be transported.

Using the official American College of Surgeons approved 'Stop The Bleed' program and with the purchase of demonstration kits, Alliance members already trained will train other Alliance members in our county alliances in the approved techniques of hemorrhage control. The trained members will then initiate programs in each county's communities to train potential "bystanders" to control life-threatening blood loss in the event of a traumatic accident (intentional or otherwise.) The objective of the 'Stop the Bleed' program nationwide is to train as many members of the general public as possible in the techniques required to stop life-threatening blood loss following man-made emergencies such as road traffic accidents, shootings, and stabbings, as well as natural disasters.

It is hoped that bleeding control will become part of every basic first aid program in much the same way that CPR is now understood and taught to all citizens.