2022 Grantees.
Our partners deliver amazing programs in their communities. Here’s who we’ve sponsored for 2022-23:
Nevada Physician Wellness Coalition
The Nevada Physician Wellness Coalition was founded by physicians for physicians in response to a suicide by the one of the founder’s colleague. One of the most successful ways that we have been able to reach physicians is through our Statewide Speaker Series. The purpose of the speaker series is to serve more physicians, utilizing evidence-based interventions to decrease burnout, mental health conditions, substance abuse, and suicide, and to increase resiliency and retention.
Dauphin County (PA) Medical Society Alliance
Food insecurity is a lack of consistent access to enough food for a healthy lifestyle. It is a complex problem and for many they do not have basic tools and education to be successful. This grant application addresses this concern. Beacon Clinic for Hope and Health (BCHH) is a free clinic in Harrisburg, PA and currently with the partnership of Penn State College of Medicine (PSCOM) operates a pop-up food pantry for their patients. The project will offer healthy recipes, ingredients and cooking tools to high-risk, underserved patients; provide education and resources necessary to promote success and behavioral change; and partner with Beacon Clinic for Health and Hope, Penn State College of Medicine, and Central PA Food Bank to accomplish the objectives.
Michigan State Medical Society Alliance
The Michigan State Medical Society Alliance will hold the fourth Fall Focus in September 2022. This event is not a fundraiser but is rather an educational opportunity for our Alliance members and the community to learn about an important topic that impacts the health and well-being of our state. This year, the Fall Focus will raise awareness about mental health in school aged children, to offer an informative program that highlights an important health-related issue for our state. Our next program will focus on the health status of our Michigan children in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic and the Oxford High School shooting. The program will offer tools to help Alliance members, teachers, school counselors, administrators and board members as well as interested parents and community members recognize signs in children who may be struggling with depression, suicidal thoughts or thoughts of harming others. The Be Nice program brings emotional and mental health awareness training to schools. Social and emotional learning has been shown to be effective in preventing violence, suicide, substance abuse and mental health issues.
Good Samaritan Clinic (FL)
The Good Samaritan Health Clinic of Pasco, Inc. (GSHC) or "Good Sam" is a volunteer-driven, non-profit organization located in New Port Richey, FL that has been providing quality, non-emergency medical and dental services, including prescriptions, free of charge, to uninsured, limited-income residents of Pasco County since 1990. AHEI funds will be used to assure safe disposal of unused or expired medications.
Girls Light Our Way (IL)
Girls Light Our Way (GLOW) will use age-appropriate and activities-based learning as a mechanism to teach girls in GLOW about the social determinants of health; “The conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work and age. These circumstances are shaped by the distribution of money, power, and resources at national and local levels. They are mostly responsible for health inequities – the unfair and avoidable differences in health status seen within our country.” We will teach how these factors impact a wide range of health, functioning, and quality-of-life outcomes and risks. Once taught, we will use digital citizenship as their tool for action, voice, and self-advocacy.